Learn More About Our Testing Offerings
COVID-19/Flu RSV Strep
Order At-Home COVID Tests Free
MANY insurances are still covering up to 8 at-home COVID tests per month per family member at no cost. We have created an online request form to request tests for you/your family. CLICK HERE TO REQUEST.
Schedule a Clinical Testing Appointment
Skippack Pharmacy is a CLIA-waived professional medical laboratory registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Health. We are currently offering the following clinical tests Monday-Saturday [COVID-19, Flu A&B, RSV, Strep]
COVID-19 or Combo COVID/19 & Flu A/B
We are proud to offer 5 COVID-19 testing options for our community. Rapid Antigen & Rapid PCR tests will get you your results the quickest (30 minutes-1 hour turnaround) and are paid for out of pocket. Rapid Antibody tests are a diagnostic test to measure if your body has antibodies to COVID-19 (1-2 hour turnaround) or antibodies to COVID-19 or Flu A/B for the combined test. Please double check the type of test and your appointment date prior to scheduling. All appointments must be made in advance online.
COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test
Rapid Antigen Tests are recommended for patients with one or more COVID-19 symptoms, with onset within the last 5 days. There is no minimum age to get tested (for infants/children, a parent may perform the nasal swab).
- Nasal Swab test | Detects the virus when you are most infectious
- Accepted by most major airlines (mostly domestic travel)
You will receive your Rapid Antigen results within 30 minutes to 1 hour. You will be EMAILED results within 30 minutes to 1 hour; however, if you do not see an email in your Inbox or Spam folder after 1 hour, please email clinic@skippackpharmacy.com
The cost of the Rapid Antigen Test is $25.00 (discounted from $50). $5.00 convenience fee if paying via credit card. We cannot bill your insurance; however, you may attempt to submit to your insurance company afterwards.
Combo COVID-19 & Flu A/B Rapid Antigen Test
Rapid Antigen Combined Test is a single swab test used for both the Flu and COVID19 virus. The Rapid Antigen test is used as an aid in the diagnosis of COVID19 and influenza type A&B. There is no minimum age to get tested (for infants/children, a parent may perform the nasal swab).
- Nasal Swab test | Detects the virus when you are most infectious
You will receive your Rapid Antigen results within 30 minutes to 1 hour. You will be EMAILED results within 30 minutes to 1 hour; however, if you do not see an email in your Inbox or Spam folder after 1 hour, please email clinic@skippackpharmacy.com
The cost of the Rapid Antigen Test is $35.00 (discounted from $100). $5.00 convenience fee if paying via credit card. We cannot bill your insurance; however, you may attempt to submit to your insurance company afterwards.
Rapid RT-PCR Test
RT-PCR Tests allows for a real time observation of the genetic material and quantifies it after each successive round of amplification. RT-PCR tests are recommended and used by the CDC themselves, for detection of Covid-19 and in some cases, for travel. There is no minimum age to get tested (for infants/children, a parent may perform the nasal swab).
- Nasal Swab test | Fully integrated, rapid, automated RT-PCR
- Accepted by most major airlines (including international travel)
You will receive your RT-PCR results within 1 hour. You will be EMAILED results within 1 hour; however, if you do not see an email in your Inbox or Spam folder after 2 hours, please email clinic@skippackpharmacy.com.
The cost of the RT-PCR Test is $125.00 (discounted from $225). $10.00 convenience fee if paying via credit card. We cannot bill your insurance; however, you may attempt to submit to your insurance company afterwards.
Check your destination’s entry requirements – Disclaimer: For the most up to date entry requirements check the country you are planning to visit/transit’s government website for information and updates. Do not book a test without verifying with the country/airline you are flying with.
Molecular PCR Test (Sent to External Lab)
These RT-PCR Tests are COVID-19 tests were being sent out to a partner lab to be processed. As of May 11, 2023, this service is NO LONGER available. Our current options are out of pocket only.
Rapid Antibody Test
Rapid Antibody Tests are COVID-19 tests that are used to determine if you previously had COVID-19. Anyone can get an antibody test as long as it has been 14 days or more from the onset of their symptoms.
- Small blood sample via finger prick
- Used to determine if your body has developed antibodies that fight against the virus that causes COVID-19
- If test results show that you have antibodies, it can mean that you have been infected with the COVID-19 virus in the past or you have antibodies after being vaccinated. It may also mean that you have some immunity. However, having antibodies may not mean you’re protected against reinfection with COVID-19.
You will receive your antibody results within 1-2 hours. You will be EMAILED results from clinic@skippackpharmacy.com.
The cost of the rapid antibody test is $25.00 (discounted from $75) .
- Drive to Skippack Pharmacy (upon arriving to the pharmacy’s plaza, drive around to the BACK PARKING LOT of the pharmacy & pull into a parking spot opposite the middle door that you see a sign with a phone number.) Only AFTER you arrive, please call our direct testing line at 610-584-7937 (please do not hang up until one of our testing members picks up the phone to check you in).
- Please inform our team member the following: 1) First & Last Name, 2) You are here for your COVID or COVID/FLU COMBO RAPID ANTIGEN, RAPID PCR, or LAB-SENT PCR TEST, 3) If you paid in advance via credit card or paying cash in person.
- A specialist will come out to your car & hand you a nasal swab. How to perform the test: Insert the nasal swab in EACH nostril, go high up until you feel a tickle or sensation and twirl or circle 3-5 times. Insert that nasal swab back into the sleeve it came out of. Once completed, please pass the nasal swab back to our team.
- Once you pass the Nasal Swab back to our team in its sleeve, you are ready to go. Our team will EMAIL you the results as soon as they are processed.
- Please do not arrive earlier than 5 minutes prior to your appointment time. If you need to come earlier or later, you do not need to call or email to inform us, you can come up until 6:15PM on weekdays or 2:15PM on Saturday at the testing site BEHIND Skippack Pharmacy.
- If for any reason, you do not receive a EMAIL within 1-2 hours (also keep an eye out in your spam folder), please call 610-584-7937 with your name, test taken, and time of your appointment. Our team will work with you to resend the results in the event of a technical glitch.
We are proud to offer RSV testing. RSV Rapid Antigen tests will get you your results within 30 minutes – 1 hour. Please double check your appointment date prior to scheduling. All appointments must be made in advance online.
RSV Rapid Antigen Test
RSV Rapid Antigen Test are recommended for patients who are exhibiting symptoms of RSV. RSV Rapid Antigen test is used as an aid in the diagnosis of respiratory syncytial viral infections. There is no minimum age to get tested (for infants/children, a parent may perform the nasal swab).
- Nasal Swab test | Detects the virus when you are most infectious
What is RSV?
RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a common respiratory virus that can cause cold-like symptoms. By the age of 2 years old most children will have had an RSV infection at least once. RSV can initially present as a mild illness, but it can progress and become more severe within a few days
What are the Symptoms of RSV?
Common symptoms include: fever, cough, sneezing, wheezing, and runny or stuffy nose. In younger children symptoms may also include: increased irritability, fussiness, decreased activity, and lack of appetite or poor feeding. Someone who may have RSV may present with one or more of the above symptoms or none at all.
How Does RSV Spread?
RSV is spread through small particles (called droplets) in the air from the respiratory tract of an infected person. This can be done through talking, sneezing, or coughing. RSV can also be spread through indirect contact by touching contaminated surfaces then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. You can protect yourself and your child from RSV by avoiding contact with sick people, washing hands often, and avoiding touching your face.
When is a Person Considered Contagious?
Persons can become contagious one to two days before they start showing symptoms of RSV and can continue to be contagious for 3 to 8 days.
What are Some of the Possible Complications of RSV?
Most RSV infections resolve on their own in one to two weeks. However, RSV can lead to more serious infections such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia and can require hospitalization, especially for infants and older adults.
How is RSV treated?
Most RSV infections resolve on their own in one to two weeks, and no specific treatments currently exist for RSV treatment. Treatment involves supportive care and relieving symptoms associated with the infection such as managing pain and fevers. It is also important for patients with RSV infections to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
- Drive to Skippack Pharmacy (upon arriving to the pharmacy’s plaza, drive around to the BACK PARKING LOT of the pharmacy & pull into a parking spot opposite the middle door that you see a sign with a phone number.) Only AFTER you arrive, please call our direct testing line at 610-584-7937 (please do not hang up until one of our testing members picks up the phone to check you in).
- Please inform our team member the following: 1) First & Last Name, 2) You are here for your RSV RAPID ANTIGEN TEST, 3) If you paid in advance via credit card or paying cash in person.
- A specialist will come out to your car & hand you a nasal swab. How to perform the test: Insert the nasal swab in EACH nostril, go high up until you feel a tickle or sensation and twirl or circle 3-5 times. Insert that nasal swab back into the sleeve it came out of. Once completed, please pass the nasal swab back to our team.
- Once you pass the Nasal Swab back to our team in its sleeve, you are ready to go. Our team will EMAIL you the results as soon as they are processed.
- Please do not arrive earlier than 5 minutes prior to your appointment time. If you need to come earlier or later, you do not need to call or email to inform us, you can come up until 6:15PM on weekdays or 2:15PM on Saturday at the testing site BEHIND Skippack Pharmacy.
- If for any reason, you do not receive a EMAIL within 1-2 hours (also keep an eye out in your spam folder), please call 610-584-7937 with your name, test taken, and time of your appointment. Our team will work with you to resend the results in the event of a technical glitch.
You will receive your RSV Rapid Antigen test results within 30 minutes to 1 hour. You will be EMAILED results within 30 minutes to 1 hour; however, if you do not see an email in your Inbox or Spam folder after 1 hour, please email clinic@skippackpharmacy.com.
The cost of the RSV Rapid Antigen Test is $45.00 (discounted from $100). $5.00 convenience fee if paying via credit card. We cannot bill your insurance; however, you may attempt to submit to your insurance company afterwards.

We are proud to offer strep testing for all patients. Strep Rapid Antigen tests will get you your results within 30 minutes – 1 hour. Please double check your appointment date prior to scheduling. All appointments must be made in advance online.
Strep Test
What is Strep Throat?
Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes also known as group A streptococcus. The infection causes a sore throat that can be extremely painful when swallowing. Strep throat is common in children and seen more often from late fall until early spring.
What are the Symptoms of Strep Throat?
Symptoms of strep throat may include: dark red spots on the roof of the mouth, throat pain, fever, headache, nausea or vomiting, painful swallowing, swollen or red tonsils, white pus-filled patches on the tonsils, and swollen or tender lymph nodes in the neck. Strep throat typically does not involve a cough or runny nose helping to distinguish it from other illnesses.
How Does Strep Throat Spread?
Strep throat is highly contagious and can be easily spread in groups. The bacteria are spread through respiratory droplets from an infected person by talking, coughing or sneezing. It is also possible to get Strep Throat by touching an object where droplets have landed and then touching your face or mouth or by sharing items like water bottles or utensils with an infected person. The best way to prevent Strep throat is to avoid infected people and avoid touching your face. In addition, practice good hygiene practices by frequently washing your hands and coughing or sneezing into your elbow.
What are Some of the Possible Complications of Strep Throat?
Serious complications after having Strep throat are not common but can occur. These complications can include:
- Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
- Sinus infections
- Ear infections
- Rheumatic fever (disease that affects heart, joints, brain and skin)
How is Strep Throat treated?
Antibiotics are used to treat the infection and prevent worsening of symptoms and complications from happening. Over the counter pain relievers and numbing sprays or lozenges may also be used to help treat symptoms associated with Strep throat.
- Drive to Skippack Pharmacy (upon arriving to the pharmacy’s plaza, drive around to the BACK PARKING LOT of the pharmacy & pull into a parking spot opposite the middle door that you see a sign with a phone number.) Only AFTER you arrive, please call our direct testing line at 610-584-7937 (please do not hang up until one of our testing members picks up the phone to check you in).
- Please inform our team member the following: 1) First & Last Name and age, 2) You are here for your STREP RAPID ANTIGEN TEST 3) If you paid in advance via credit card or paying cash in person.
- A specialist will come out to your car & hand you a throat swab. How to perform the test: Stick your tongue out, find the tonsils at the back of the throat and swab tonsils on both sides for a few seconds each (about 4 times). Avoid touching the tongue, cheeks, or teeth with the swab. Insert the throat swab back into the sleeve it came out of. Once completed, please pass the throat swab back to our team.
- Once you pass the throat swab back to our team in its sleeve, you are ready to go. Our team will EMAIL you the results as soon as they are processed.
- Please do not arrive earlier than 5 minutes prior to your appointment time. If you need to come earlier or later, you do not need to call or email to inform us, you can come up until 6:15PM on weekdays or 2:15PM on Saturday at the testing site BEHIND Skippack Pharmacy.
- If for any reason, you do not receive a EMAIL within 1-2 hours (also keep an eye out in your spam folder), please call 610-584-7937 with your name, test taken, and time of your appointment. Our team will work with you to resend the results in the event of a technical glitch.
You will receive your Strep Rapid Antigen test results within 30 minutes to 1 hour. You will be EMAILED results within 30 minutes to 1 hour; however, if you do not see an email in your Inbox or Spam folder after 1 hour, please email clinic@skippackpharmacy.com.
The cost of the Strep Rapid Antigen Test is $45.00 (discounted from $100). $5.00 convenience fee if paying via credit card. We cannot bill your insurance; however, you may attempt to submit to your insurance company afterwards.

Test positive but don't have access to a doctor? No problem! We are a test and treat center collaborating with a physician service and can help!