Are You Having Trouble Obtaining Your Weight Loss Medication?

Weight Loss Injectables and Oral Formulations

We do not currently have brand name medications in stock; however, we do carry compounded weight loss medications…

Skippack Pharmacy is proud to offer COMPOUNDED WEIGHT LOSS MEDICATIONS!

500+ reviews, 2,500+ patients, and the fastest turn-around!  Pick up or Shipped to You. 

Products & Pricing

Getting Started

Preparation & Administration

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does this medication cost?

Compounded semaglutide and liraglutide are not currently covered by insurance, and are only available at an OUT OF POCKET COST.  You can use your HSA or FSA card if you would like.  The pricing for a month’s supply of compounded medication including supplies and a complimentary consultation with our staff is as follows:

Semaglutide (2.5mg/mL) VIAL and PRE-FILLED SYRINGES

  • 1 mL- $179.00 
  • 2 mL- $269.00 
  • 3 mL- $329.00 
  • 4 mL (2mlx2)- $399.00 

Liraglutide (15mg/mL) VIAL

  • 1st Month Titration (0.6 → 1.2 → 1.8 → 2.4mg) – $199.00 (3ml)
  • Maintenance Dosing (3mg) – $349.00 (6ml)
  • 0.6mg – $199.00 (3ml)
  • 1.2mg – $199.00 (3ml)
  • 1.8mg – $349.00 (6ml)
  • 2.4mg – $349.00 (6ml)

Semaglutide oral capsules

  • 1 mg- $229.00/month
  • 3 mg- $309.00/month
  • 6 mg- $429.00/month
  • 9 mg- $549.00/month

Semaglutide sublingual oral solution (1mg/ml) vial

  • 30 mL- $229.00/month

Semaglutide and B12 (cyanocobalamin) oral troches

  • 3 mg- $309.00/month
  • 6 mg- $429.00/month
  • 12 mg- $669.00/month

How can I obtain this medication at Skippack Pharmacy?

Please fill out our interest form at your earliest convenience, so we can establish a direct line of communication with you. Detailed next steps will be provided once the form is submitted. This allows us to better serve you by having some information on file, so when we get the script it can be processed at lightning speed.

What the difference between semaglutide and liraglutide? Which is better?

Semaglutide works as a GLP-1 agonist. In simpler terms, this means it increases the GLP-1 hormone produced in the body. This hormone helps to reduce appetite and slow digestion, thus assisting patients with weight loss.

Liraglutide also works as a GLP-1 receptor agonist with a half-life of 13-15 hours. The half-life of semaglutide  is 165 hours. This means that liraglutide has to be dosed more frequently at once daily dosing and semaglutide is dosed less frequently at once weekly.

Various studies have shown that semaglutide provides significantly greater weight loss compared to liraglutide. However, the studies also showed fewer side effects associated with liraglutide compared to semaglutide. However, every patient is different and may experience different levels of weight loss with each medication.

Do I have to pick my medication up at the pharmacy or can I have it shipped? Is there a fee?

Patients may choose to have their medication shipped to them at an additional fee of $30 or pick up their medication from the pharmacy at no additional cost.

If I have an active script at another pharmacy - can you transfer it for me?

Yes, although brand new scripts directly from the provider are preferred, if your script is at another pharmacy and you would like us to transfer it over for you, please send us an email at or text 267-766-0076.

If I'm switching from a different program or a brand-name product, will I have to start at the lowest compounded dose?

No, we are able to use a dosing conversion chart to match the dosing which allows patients to remain on the same dose they have already been established on.

How long will it take to process my order?

After completing the payment form, it takes approximately 1-2 business days for the order to be processed.  We strive to process the orders as quickly as possible while still prioritizing accuracy and appreciate your patience.

If I do not like needles, are there other weight loss options besides injectables?

We do not like needles either, thus the needles you get with your injectables are very tiny – you’ll be pleasantly surprised!  Most of our patients cannot even feel the needle when they inject it into an area of fat.  BUT if you really do not like needles, Skippack Pharmacy offers compounded semaglutide oral capsules, semaglutide sublingual oral solution, and semaglutide with B12 (cyanocobalamin) oral troches.

What is the difference between semaglutide capsules, oral solution and troches?

Semaglutide capsules are hard shell capsules that contain powdered semaglutide. These are to be taken with water and will be broken down by the digestive system.

Semaglutide oral solution is a liquid that comes in a vial and is administered with a dropper. This solution is specifically designed to be administered sublingually (under the tongue) where it is absorbed by mucous membranes.

Semaglutide troches are small tablets that slowly dissolve when placed under the tongue or between the cheek and gum, similar to a cough drop. Unlike capsules, troches bypass the digestive system and the active ingredients go straight into the blood stream. Troches should not be swallowed whole or chewed.

How does this medication work? Is there a difference between Semaglutide & Liraglutide?

If you’ve spoken to a provider or seen a commercial lately, then you might be familiar with semaglutide & liraglutide. Semaglutide & liraglutide are popular weight loss injections that help to suppress your cravings by mimicking hormones naturally released in the gastrointestinal tract when you eat. These weekly (semaglutide) and daily (liraglutide) injections prompt the body to produce more insulin, thus reducing blood glucose levels and helping you control your appetite so you can lose weight and focus on establishing healthier eating habits.

While semaglutide & liraglutide are effective weight loss tools, they can also have other incredible health benefits. Semaglutide & liraglutide can lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, or death for individuals with type 2 diabetes or those struggling with heart disease. If you struggle with any of these conditions, or struggle to lose weight on your own, ask your doctor about semaglutide or liraglutide injections to jumpstart your journey.

Is the compounded formulation safe?

As with any medication, each person responds differently to any medication they take.  Everyone’s situation is a little bit different, so we always recommend speaking to your health care provider and getting their thoughts.

YES, we believe in the products’ quality and safety.  Our team diligently assessed many options for compounding pharmacy partners and have chosen a partner we fully trust.  If we did not believe in the product, we would not have our own staff members on it.  They were the first to use it prior to us opening this up to our patients.  See some graphics below in regards to how our compounding pharmacy partner exceeds quality standards.  Analytical testing, API, facility, cleanroom, and quality are just some of the measures in place to ensure this.

Is it legal to compound this medication?

FDA approved brand name drugs, containing the active ingredient semaglutide or liraglutide, are currently on a national shortage.  During a drug shortage, pharmacies are permitted to compound a drug so their patients still have access to it.

Our current supply of semaglutide and liraglutide comes from 503a and 503b compounding pharmacies. These compounding pharmacy partners have up-to-date accreditation from the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) and collaborates exclusively with FDA-registered API manufacturers.

Who can receive this medication?

Patients who are approved by their provider/doctor to receive compounded weight loss medication may obtain this medication from our pharmacy. All patients will need to have a valid and active prescription for an injectable medication containing semaglutide or liraglutide that allows for substitution or compounded formulation.

Semaglutide and liraglutide are currently approved for patients who are 12 years of age or older.

For anyone without a provider/doctor, Skippack Pharmacy has worked with Physician 360 Health Clinic, which is a telemedicine service who can evaluate patients and write prescriptions for weight loss injectables (consult is $69.95).

Please visit our clinic page to learn more.

**we are not directly affiliated with Physician 360, and simply provide them as a cost-effective option for our patients to use**

What side effects are associated with these medications?

These medications are expected to have the similar side effects to other semaglutide products, liraglutide products, and GLP-1 agents.

The most common side effects include gastrointestinal related symptoms such as nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting.   We have learned that certain vitamins may help to reduce these side effects, but it is important to consult your provider prior to adding anything new to your regimen.  When making a payment using our online form, you will have the option to add these vitamins onto your purchase.

If extreme sensitivity reactions occur such as rash, shortness of breath, or swelling in your face or neck, report these to your prescriber/doctor immediately or go to the nearest urgent care, emergency room, or call 911.

These medications have the possibility of causing episodes of low blood sugar, which may include dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion,  drowsiness, weakness and shakiness. Risk of low blood sugar increases when taking these medications with other blood sugar lowering medications such as insulins and sulfonylureas.

Is it possible to experience different side effects on prefilled syringes vs. vials?

Yes, due to the additives included in the prefilled syringes that allow for extended dating, patients may experience different side effect profiles on the prefilled syringes compared to the vials.

The ingredients in each of the compounded products are as follows:


  • Semaglutide
    • Active Ingredient – semaglutide
    • Inactive Ingredients – benzyl alcohol, dibasic sodium phosphate, and sterile water for injection
  • Liraglutide
    • Active Ingredient – liraglutide
    • Inactive Ingredients – benzyl alcohol, sodium chloride, and sterile water for injection


  • Semaglutide
    • Active Ingredient – semaglutide
    • Inactive Ingredients – sodium biphasic dihydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hydroxide

Who is not a candidate for this medication?

Compounded semaglutide and liraglutide are contraindicated in patients with a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN2). Contraindications also exist for patients with known hypersensitivity reactions to other brand-name and generic formulations of semaglutide and liraglutide.

Before stating a weight loss medication, please let your doctor/provider know if you have any of these conditions:

  • Kidney disease
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Severe gastrointestinal disease
  • Eye disease or diabetic retinopathy
  • History of pancreatitis
  • History of hypoglycemia
  • Allergies to semaglutide, liraglutide, other medications, foods, dyes, and preservatives
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding
  • Suicidal Ideation or Behaviors

Can I use my HSA card or FSA card to pay for the medication?

Yes, since the medication is a healthcare product/RX – this can be paid for with an HSA or FSA card.  You can use the HSA or FSA card when making a payment on our website:

Are all of the necessary supplies included with the medication?

Most medications will come in either a multi-dose vial, available in different strengths, or pre-filled syringes which come in packages of 4 syringes. Along with the medication, our team will provide the following complimentary items:

  • Syringes with needles
  • Alcohol swabs as needed for injection site sterilization and vial sterilization
  • Educational handouts

What is the expiration on these medications? Can I purchase multiple vials or pre-filled syringes for a greater months-supply?

Once punctured, multiple-dose vials should not be used for longer than the assigned beyond use date (BUD) of 28 days—to minimize the likelihood of microbial contamination.  Pre-filled syringes are good until the expiration date on the package.  However, you can order up to a 9-months supply of the medication if your provider sends in a script for that.

Yes, you can purchase multiple vials of a specific strength at once – when you make the payment online, select the quantity of vials you would like to purchase.  If you are just starting the medication, make sure the strength you purchase isn’t going to change the following month. Purchasing a greater number of vials or a larger month’s supply is recommended for patients who are established on a certain strength.

The question may arise: “If my prescription is for a strength which equates to 1mL, can’t I just fill for a 3mL vial and use that vial over a period of 3 months?”  This would be amazing. However, as mentioned above, the beyond use date on the vials is 28 days once punctured.  If you receive a 3mL vial and used 1mL total over one month, you would need to discard the other 2mL at the end of the month.

How do I administer this medication as an injection?

When you pick your prescription up at Skippack Pharmacy, our team will ensure you feel confident about administering the injection before you leave! However, at home, you will use a syringe to draw up your instructed dose from the medication vial or simply attach the needle to a pre-filled syringe, and administer the medication via a subcutaneous (under the skin) injection. After the first puncture of the medication vial, the vial is good for 28 days. Please discard any unused medication after the expiration date.  Vials which are not punctured and pre-filled syringes, if stored in a fridge, are good until the expiration date listed on the outside of the package. Feel free to use the following links to review our personalized educational materials.

How to administer from a VIAL:

How to administer from a PRE-FILLED SYRINGE:

Can the staff at the pharmacy administer weight loss injectables?

No, unfortunately we are not permitted to perform this type of injection on-site at the pharmacy. However, when you pick your prescription up at Skippack Pharmacy, our team will ensure you feel confident about administering the injection before you leave!  Also, feel free to use the following links to review our personalized educational materials.

How to administer from a VIAL:

How to administer from a PRE-FILLED SYRINGE:

How often do I take the injection?

Each month, you will receive 1 vial that includes the medication your provider has ordered for you. The specific amount of mL in the bottle is dependent on your dose. Semaglutide is typically taken once weekly and liraglutide is typically taken once daily. 

The best practice for taking semaglutide is on/around the same day each week so you remember.  Setting a reminder on your calendar or phone may serve as a helpful tool.

The best practice for taking liraglutide is on/around the same time each day, without regard to the timing of meals. If a dose is missed, resume the once-daily regimen as prescribed with the next scheduled dose. Do not administer an extra dose or increase the dose to make up for the missed dose.

If more than 3 days have elapsed since the last liraglutide dose, reinitiate liraglutide at 0.6 mg daily and follow the dose escalation schedule, to reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal adverse reactions associated with re-initiation of treatment. Take the highest tolerated dose for the best effects.

Why is it recommended to rotate the injection site with weight loss injectables?

It is recommended to rotate the injection site with each dose to minimize irritation. This also prevents the development of a fatty lump formation under the skin that can occur over time with damaged tissue and over-used injection sites

How do I administer this medication as an oral semaglutide formulation?

Oral capsules should be taken every day as instructed by your doctor. Patients should take this medication on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning. Take the capsule with no more than 4 ounces of water. After 30 minutes, you can eat, drink and take other medications or vitamins.

Oral solution comes in a vial with a 1mL dropper for easy administration under the tongue. A 1mL dose should be applied under the tongue and kept there for at least 5 minutes before swallowing. Patients should not eat or drink 30 minutes before or after taking medication.

Oral troches should be taken 15 minutes before or after food and drink. The troche should be placed under the tongue or between the gum and cheek. Allow the troche to fully dissolve before swallowing. DO NOT CHEW.  Rotate the troche site with each dose.

How do I store these medications?

Weight Loss Injectables

These medications should be stored in the original container in the refrigerator until it is time for administration. After removing your medication from the refrigerator, you may administer your dose while it is still cold or you can allow the syringe sit at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes prior to injecting.  Some people find the injection more comfortable if done at room temperature. Weight loss injectables can be left at room temperature, outside of refrigeration, for 30 days with the same potency and stability. However, it is preferred to keep the medication in the fridge.

Oral Semaglutide Formulations

Semaglutide oral capsules, sublingual oral solution, and troches can both be stored at room temperature. Do NOT refrigerate.

What other ingredients are included in the injectable medications?

The ingredients in each of the compounded injectables are as follows:


  • Semaglutide
    • Active Ingredient – semaglutide
    • Inactive Ingredients – benzyl alcohol, dibasic sodium phosphate, and sterile water for injection
  • Liraglutide
    • Active Ingredient – liraglutide
    • Inactive Ingredients – benzyl alcohol, sodium chloride, and sterile water for injection


  • Semaglutide
    • Active Ingredient – semaglutide
    • Inactive Ingredients – sodium biphasic dihydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hydroxide

Do any of the compounded formulations contain vitamin B12?

Yes, the compounded semaglutide troches contain vitamin B12, but no other compounded formulations do.

Our pharmacy DOES carry vitamin B12 and other vitamins in tablet formulation, which may be picked up along with your prescription or shipped to you.  You will have the option to add these items to your order on the payment form OR grab them from vitamin aisle at the pharmacy.

How do I refill my medication?

When it comes time for your last semaglutide injection (4th dose of semaglutide), 21st dose of liraglutide (7 days in advance), or the last 7 days of your oral medication, please use the same secure payment link you received  from our team when you first got approved to make another payment. This link is used each month when reordering.  Here is the link in case you cannot find it: REFILL LINK

You will have the option to select up to a 9-month supply and inform our team if you will continue the same dose or take a different strength. We can use existing refills or scripts on hold to fill your next order. If no refills remain, your provider will need to send a new script.

How long will it take to lose weight? How much weight will I lose?

Every patient and every body can get different results when taking any medication.  Some patients have lost up to 10-15% of their baseline weight within three to six months of starting weight loss injectable therapy. However, weight loss is patient specific and may vary depending on a variety of factors. Some of these factors include diet, exercise, and comorbidities (other conditions patients may have).

Patients who are willing and able to improve their dietary habits and increase their physical activity may see quicker results than those who are not. Likewise, patients who are able to better control their other conditions may be more successful in losing weight.

The most important thing to remember is to maintain a positive mindset and NEVER compare yourself to others. Having a strong support system may help you to achieve the results you are looking for.

Do I have to stay on this medication forever to maintain my weight?

Because this medication works by decreasing patients’ appetites and reducing cravings, patients may gain weight back if the medication is stopped. In this way, this medication is more of a long-term solution than a short-term solution.

This is because patients’ eating behaviors will likely return to the way things were before they started the medication. However, continuing to implement healthier dietary habits after stopping the medication may help to maintain a more ideal weight. Likewise, increasing physical activity may help to combat weight gain as well.

What else can I do to lose weight aside from weight loss medication?

Regardless whether you are or are not using a weight loss medication, it is important to implement other non-medication strategies such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly to promote a healthier lifestyle! However, combining weight loss medication with these other strategies has demonstrated increased weight loss benefits.

Please visit the CDC website for resources on healthy eating for a healthy weight.